Bookmark a site
is one of the mot easiest job in Microworkers which offers $0.10 per job. There are various
types of Bookmarking job like digg, Stumbleupon,
google plus, delicious etc. To participate the job first you have to click the Bookmark job link. Here you find a cheetuh link who used to verify your
job. So, open the cheetuh link in a new tab and you will discover a link , a
keyword and the bookmarking site where
you have to bookmark the given link. Simply sign up with the site where you
have to bookmark if you not already
have an account with them. Then look for “Add a site” or “Submit a new story”
button to submit your new bookmark link and put the link which is given in the
link address box. Also you have to put the keyword in the appropriate box and
press submit. Your task has finished but you have to look for your proof. As
proof, you have to put your profile url of the bookmarking site in the cheetuh
url box (make sure not to your work submit box) and click the submit button
where you get a 7 digit confirmation code. Now you can accept the job and put
the 7 digit code in the box there. You have done and you will paid as soon as
the employer review your job.